I Miscarried While My Alpha Celebrates His Mistress's Baby

Chapter 1

During a dangerous blizzard, Alpha Xavier killed our child due to his indifference and sheer stupidity.

I was out late, tending to the orphaned pups in the pack like every other Luna should. It was one of the core responsibilities I had while Xavier attended pack meetings and watched over the training of the warriors of our pack.

Earlier, both of us worked in sync, but these past few months things had changed drastically.

The vibration from my phone put an end to my thoughts and I was quick to answer it. “I’ll be over to pick you up soon, Stella. Just wait for me. I can't have you out alone in this snowstorm,” I heard Xavier’s baritone voice through the small device and I couldn't help the ripples of hope that ran through my body.

I hadn't heard his voice in a week before I heard this call.

“Sure, I’ll just be here with the pups,” I answered before the call ended.

Feeling like the relationship between Xavier and I still had a bit of hope, I put my phone away and sat in the hallway of the orphanage, waiting for my mate to make an appearance, but of course, he never did.

Time and time again, staff that passed by asked if I needed anything due to the fact that I was three months pregnant and my belly had already begun to show, but each time I shook my head no. “Alpha Xavier will be here soon. Don't worry, my baby and I will be okay,” I would say to each person who approached me, but soon enough, even I began to get tired of the words that I said.

He wasn't coming.

I could feel that he wasn't coming.

As the moon goddess would have it, after waiting for about four hours alone in the hallway, I received a text from Xavier.

Plans changed. Don’t wait for me and just get a cab.

The hope I had earlier about our relationship began to wither and its place was an annoyance accompanied by some frustration that had been brewing for quite a while now. This wasn't the first, second, or even tenth time that Xavier had stood me up, and a feeling that it wouldn't be the last.

Rather than brood in a corner for any longer, I stepped out to look for a cab and it seemed as though all the cab drivers had gone on a break.

The loud breeze made it quite difficult to hear anything and the snow made it difficult to see. Goosebumps covered my skin as I walked around the streets, and the more I walked, the more I felt like I should have worn more appropriate clothes and shoes for the weather.

Terrified, I midlinked Xavier again and again.

“I can't find any cabs.”

“The snowstorm is starting to look really bad.”

“Xavier, I need you.”

But he never answered and when my panic traveled to new heights, I took out my phone and called as many times as I could, but he also never answered.

Regret sank hard into my skin at my choice of footwear when the grounds suddenly felt wetter than ever and I ended up slipping.

I fell to the floor with a scream and a toe-curling pain ran up my spine. I tried to get up again, but I fell hopelessly to the floor, with more pain attacking me and this time aiming for my swollen belly. My skin grew wet with sweat and my breathing grew heavier.

It was only when spots started to fill my vision that I realized that I could be losing my baby and so, with the last bit of energy I had left, I called an ambulance before I finally gave into the darkness.

When I came to, I found myself in a hospital bed with one of the best healers in the pack by my side. Seeing him by my side, I felt a small assurance that both my children were okay. With a roaring headache, I said, “Thank you for saving us, healer.”

The assurance I felt began to fade when a frown formed on the healer’s face as she shook his head. “I’m sorry Luna, but you lost the baby.”

If I thought that I had felt pain before, then I was terribly wrong. Tears wet my cheeks and I could hear my wolf continuously howling in my head.

The first person my mind ran to in my time of grief was Xavier and so I was quick to mindlink him. “Xavier, I need you. Where are you?”

And just like before, I got no reply from him.

Wondering if Xavier had at least left a text for me in my time of absence, I rushed to pick up my phone and my heart fell to the pits of my belly when I saw nothing from him.

I would have dropped my phone immediately if I had known that holding it any longer would have caused pain like no other, but I didn't.

My eyes just happened to glance at a story update from Quinn, one of the daughters of the elders of the pack where I saw her post.

Thank you, Alpha Xavier, for saving me last night. Both my baby and I are doing great.

And attached to it just so happened to be a positive pregnancy test.

Chapter 2

For the next few hours, I lay on the hospital bed, mulling over the fact that my husband was busy taking care of another woman and her baby while I was busy losing mine.

I wasn’t able to fathom a story more tragic than that.

The sounds of my ringtone dragged me out of my self-pity and when I turned to look at the caller ID, I saw that it was Alpha Xavier.

“So now he wants us,” I heard my wolf say and I scoffed.

For the next few minutes, I watched the call ring and watched as my mate proceeded to call me three more times. I felt too weak to listen to anything he had to say or even try to tell him about what happened to our unborn child, not when I knew that he was with Quinn again.

It wasn't the first time Xavier had chosen to prioritize that woman over me and now, I have finally come to accept that I am second to her in his life.

As if Xavier sensed that I wouldn't be answering him no matter how many times he called, he mindlinked me and I found myself almost laughing about the absurdity of it all.

“Why aren’t you home, Stella? You aren’t picking up any of my calls and it’s making me worried.”

I contemplated on whether to answer him or not and while it would have felt good to serve him with a fraction of the treatment he dished out to me, I decided against it and finally gave in. “Xavier. We lost the baby,” I mindlinked him in a low, weak tone.

“Stella, this isn't the time for jokes threats. This is the reason why we always end up in stupid fights in the first place,” he argued, his voice echoing harshly in my mind.

The last few months we had together flashed through my mind and what I could recall most of all were all the heated arguments that we had.

I could vividly recall this one time when it was my mother’s birthday and Xavier stood me up just to escort Quinn home. “Quinn is a young woman susceptible to falling into the traps of any of the men roaming around. Your mother will have a million birthdays and if Quinn gets in trouble tonight then she’ll be ruined for life,” I remembered him arguing.

That night, he never came home.

Thinking about it, most of our arguments revolved around Quinn. It was always Quinn.

Having a conversation with Xavier wasn't making me feel any better, so when I received a call from the pack’s orphanage, I was quick to temporarily block him from my mind and answer more pressing matters.

A single conversation with the director from the pack orphanage was quick to lift my spirits and so, when I was discharged, I decided to stay there for a while.

I spent my next day in the orphanage, playing with the pups and trying to not dwell on the fact that I had lost a pup myself a few days back, but of course, Xavier could never leave me for too long.

One of the staff ran forward with what I believed to be my phone, interrupting the little lesson I was having with a few young pups. “Luna Stella, Alpha Xavier has been calling you for quite some time now.”

As reluctant as ever, I stood up to my feet and took the phone from my hands. Ready to hear the absolute worst, I picked up the call and put the phone close to my ears. “What’s going with us, Stella? Are you mad at me? Why haven't you come home yet?”

“I’ve been busy with the pups at the orphanage. I felt they would need me more,” I half lied.

If Alpha Xavier had been anything close to a good mate, he would have sensed the hint of sadness in my tone or the hidden meaning behind my words, but of course, he didn't.

Xavier ignored my statement completely. “Wait for me. I’ll pick you up tonight.”

I couldn't help but roll my eyes at that statement. I had heard empty promises like that one too many times.

When nighttime came and I was done with the pups, I didn't bother spending an extra minute waiting for Xavier. The weather outside seemed good and both my wolf and I yearned to find a way to release our pent-up anger, and so I shifted into my wolf form and went for a small run before heading home, hoping that it would clear our heads in some way.

And it did.

Back at home, I was thrilled to find that Xavier was not at home. Just as I was done preparing a meal for myself alone, I received a call from him. “Stella, I’m at the orphanage and I can't find you anywhere. Where are you?”

“Oh, I forgot you were supposed to pick me up and I left on my own,” I answered and before Xavier could say anything else, I ended the call quickly.

For the first time in years, I cooked a meal without wondering what Xavier would think about it or if it would suit his taste pallets correctly. I simply took the time to savor it and wash up my plates afterwards.

I was ready to call it a night when Xavier barged in, his eyebrows furrowed and his eyes narrowed. “I will not have a Luna that disgraces me out in public!” He yelled, slamming the door.

All the anger in me began to resurface as I yelled back. “Maybe you don't need a Luna at all!”

Chapter 3

That night Xavier and I slept in separate rooms.

It was also the last time I happened to see Xavier for the next few days. Staying away from him, I was able to properly analyze the kind of toxic loop we were in.

For the first time in a long time, it felt like I was able to breathe properly and so, I used that opportunity to bury myself in my work with the pups at the orphanage.

There were days when I also got to visit my parents and get to properly talk to them.

My parents were gammas and when they found out that my mate was the Alpha of the pack, they were over the moon because they knew that having such a connection like that would also bring about a change in status and wealth. When I first told them about the arguments I would have with Xavier, they were always so quick to shove it aside, that was until I brought up that I lost our unborn child.

“I have had just enough of your mate’s behavior. If the pack healer hadn't gotten to you when he did, then maybe it wasn't only your unborn child we would have lost, Stella,” my dad mentioned, his eyes narrowed and his fingers clenched into fists.

Deep down, I wish that I could make the situation better than it actually was, but I couldn't think of any way to make the situation look worse than it already was.

My mum pitched, looking just as worried as my dad was. “Your father is right. The only person Xavier seems to care about is that Quinn Jill woman. He didn't even show up for my last birthday because of her.”

“I’m happy that you’re finally starting to see things from my angle. Now, I'm just tired of the fights and silent wars and everything… I don't think I can do this anymore,” I told both my parents, my voice slightly breaking.

My dad stood up from his seat. “Then don’t. You can start a whole new life in another pack. You received one of the best education the pack had to offer and before you became Luna, you just so happened to be a healer yourself.

We can go with you and start life afresh where no one will know about your history with Alpha Xavier and there you won’t ever worry about some woman named Quinn ever again.”

His blue eyes sparkled with something bright when he was done with his little pitch. My mum in the corner, nodded as well and to say that I was shaken to see that act this way would have to be an understatement.

I expected them to be angry, but what I didn't expect was for them to go against the alpha. “And what about the consequences? Xavier may not love me, but I know one thing for sure. His wolf still sees me as his and the alpha aura in him wouldn't be able to just let me go so easily.”

The confidence they both had seemed to dwindle a bit, but they didn't seem like they were done just yet.

“You could always reject him and raise a case to the elders. I'm sure that they would understand and you would have evidence and witnesses… that is if you are truly ready to leave this toxic relationship you have with him,” my mum suggested, her voice softer than it had been earlier.

Just as I was about to give her a reply, my phone buzzed in my pocket and I was quick to take it out.

I got a message from one of my friends, Jenna. She just so happened to dislike the alpha because of how he treated me.

Opening her text, I saw that she had sent me a post from Quinn. The post read:

I really envy her for meeting someone as amazing as you are so early. If, and I mean if, you’d met me even a minute sooner, would you have chosen me?

It was clear as day that Quinn was referring to me and just to make matters worse, underneath the post, Alpha Xavier commented: Yes.

I finally found a good place to read novels!