The Luna's Vengeance: Alpha's Fall from Grace

“Mom, I wanna go picnic with you and Dad as a gift,” Drew’s voice echoed with hope as he aced his exams, his eyes gleaming with the anticipation of our planned family celebration.

With his birthday just around the corner, I envisioned a picnic.

But as the fateful day arrived, Hugh, my husband and the Alpha, broke his promise and vanished without a trace. The days of silence were agonizing. Drew’s health deteriorated swiftly and despite my desperate attempts to reach Hugh, he remained unreachable. We rushed Drew to the hospital, where the prognosis was dire: less than 48 hours left.

Tragically, the next day, Drew slipped away. My heart ached the moment Hugh answered my calls—not with concern, but with irritation.

“What, Lacey? Can you stop calling me obsessively? Fifty missed calls? Come on, what nonsense now?”

I later discovered he had spent those critical days with my sister Kathleen and her feverish son. Her social media post flaunting their happy picnic with the caption, “Thanks for always taking care of us. Little Frankie is happy now,” only deepened my despair.

The injustice Drew endured fueled a fire within me. I vowed to exact retribution.

“They said you want a divorce—please, tell me it’s not true!” As Hugh stood before me in his prison orange, begging for a reprieve from our divorce, I had already orchestrated his downfall.


“Ms.David,those medications only manage the symptoms;they can’t cure Drew.And last night’s attack was severe.I’m afraid Drew only has about 48 hours left.”The doctor said in a serious tone.

“What?No,you must be joking.There’s no way my son’s life is ending that soon.”

“We’re really sorry,Ms.David.We’ve done everything we can,but that’s our best estimate.”

“Can’t I move him to a bigger hospital?Or get another doctor to help?I’ll pay whatever it takes,”I pleaded.

“Unfortunately,like we’ve discussed before,there’s no cure for apoptosis—not even the best doctor can change that.Your son has reached the final stage.It won’t be long before his brain loses the ability to control muscle movement,leading to paralysis and,eventually,respiratory failure.

“My suggestion is to gather his loved ones and focus on making him happy.Let him leave this world with good memories.”

The doctor's words made my heart sink.

I couldn’t believe what I’d just heard.It felt surreal.

My son was diagnosed with Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis(ALS)when he was only four.

This illness had taken everything from us,with how fast it progressed and how much it robbed him of—his ability to move,speak,eat,and even breathe.

Thus,despite being very good in diplomacy and strategy—just what anyone would expect from the Alpha’s son,when it came to strength,stamina and resilience,he struggled a lot.His illness left him easily fatigued and he couldn't join in any fights.Hugh David and I had been married for over 10 years,yet he never really loved me or our son.

We were together out of duty to the pack since I was the oldest daughter of the previous Alpha and Luna.

I used to have a sister who paired with an Alpha from another pack.They married and had a child,but last year,her mate was killed by a stronger Alpha.With nowhere else to go,she returned to the Scarlet Claws.From the moment she came back,Hugh's indifference turned into outright cruelty.He had always been distant,but now,he was blatant about it.

“Lacey,the person I’ve always loved is your sister,Kathleen.Now that she’s here,you should know your place,”he said.

After some pushing,Hugh agreed to take Drew on a picnic as the gift for his good grades.But suddenly,on the day where the long-anticipated picnic supposed to happen,Hugh stood us up and could not be contacted,even by his right-hand man,Rafael Davidson.

I was freaking out because Drew's health took a sudden nosedive that night.He was shivering and couldn’t even move.

His illness had flared up before,but this was the worst.He had to be admitted to emergency treatment.

The doctor gave me the news—48 hours left.

I wiped away my tears and walked into my son’s ward.

There he was,lying there so weak,his face pale under the breathing mask.


I whispered,gently caressing his cheek.

“ body hurts,”he said,his voice so faint it almost got lost in the beeping of the machines around him.

Tubes were connected to his little body,keeping him alive.

He struggled to breathe,and I had to look away.

It was too much to see him like this.“You’ll be okay,love.Mom’s here.Want me to get you some ice cream?”I asked,my voice barely steady.

“Where’s Dad?”

His question was like a blunt knife,piercing my heart.

“He’ll be here soon,Drew.He’s on his way.”

Now,I still can't reach Hugh telepathically or by phone.I lied.I had to.No mother could tell her son that his dad was a selfish man who didn’t care enough to be there.

“Tell him to hurry.I want to see we can go on that picnic he promised.”

Hugh hardly lived with us;he stayed in another house within our pack's house.

He never saw Drew’s suffering firsthand and thought we were exaggerating to get him to come home.

I was always the one taking care of Drew.Sometimes,in the middle of the night,he would cry out for Hugh,longing to be with his dad.It broke my heart and all I could do was hold him and cry.I waited for Hugh a day and night,but he still did not show up.

Drew’s condition kept getting worse and he kept calling out for Hugh in his semi-conscious state.After quite some time,I finally managed to get through to Hugh.

“What,Lacey?Can you stop calling me?Fifty missed calls?Come on,what nonsense now?”

“Your son...Drew...”

I can't speak the painful words out.

“Stop using him as an excuse again!Kathleen’s son had a fever and I had to help her.Yes,I bailed on the picnic yesterday,but we can always do it another day.Tell your weak son to stop whining!”

He rattled off so quickly I couldn’t get a word in before he hung up.

I couldn't believe what I had just heard.

I wanted to call Hugh back and tell him about Drew’s condition,however,his phone was turned off again,so I could not get through him.A feeling of anger and sadness crept in as I squeezed the phone.Poor Drew,I got him a deadbeat dad.

Finally,Drew went critical and didn’t wake up again.

A few hours later,the doctor told me they couldn’t feel Drew’s vital signs anymore.

I broke down,then ran to the nearest hill.

I transformed along the way and howled in sorrow,joined by the distant howls of other pack members.

Nothing could bring Drew back now.

I had to deal with the sorrow alone and get through the burial as quickly as possible.

I just wanted it to be over.Only a few close people came to the ceremony because I couldn’t handle a crowd.Drew had been my only sunshine during the storm,my reason to live.With my parents gone,a husband who didn’t love me and no close relationship with my sister,I felt completely alone now.

When I got home,everything hit me even harder.

Drew’s stuff was scattered everywhere—his clothes,his books,his pictures on the wall.

I opened his room and saw everything just as he’d left it a few days ago.It was like he was still here,but he was gone forever.

I completely lost it,crying so hard I felt dizzy.

I went to the kitchen,grabbed a glass of water and tried to calm down.

While I was sipping it,I checked Message Notification and saw Kathleen’s story at the top.

I clicked on it and saw a picture of her with man and a little boy in the middle,all smiling.The boy had a fever plaster on his forehead and the caption read,[Thanks for always taking care of us.Little Frankie is happy now.]

I was so enraged I threw the glass against the wall,watching it shatter.

It was infuriating that Hugh chose to be with Kathleen and her sick kid instead of being with Drew,who was about to die.

I laughed bitterly through my tears,wondering if it was all some cruel joke.

What did Drew do to deserve this?

To have a dad like Hugh?

Then I heard footsteps coming closer.


When I looked up,an Omega was hurrying over.“What happened,Luna?”she asked,noticing the broken glass and spilled water.

Before I could say anything,Hugh’s face appeared and he wasn’t happy.“What’s going on here,Lacey?Are you out of your mind?”he said,hands on his hips.

I shot him a look and stormed off to my room.

“You’re a mad woman!”

I heard him yell after me.I collapsed onto my bed,buried my face in the pillow and let the tears come.All I could think about was my sweet,smart baby who I couldn’t save.I wished I could’ve taken away his pain,but there was only so much I could do.

I exhausted myself by crying my heart out and I finally fell asleep.

A knock on the door woke me up.

“Luna Lacey,it’s lunchtime.You skipped breakfast.Please eat this,”I heard the Omega say,but I couldn’t bring myself to move.“Please,Luna.Alpha will be upset if you don’t eat and get sick,”she pleaded.

Not wanting to cause more trouble,I dragged myself to the door and opened it.

On the tray was a plate of steak and a glass of water.

She set them down and left.

I asked if Hugh was still around and she said he had gone out shortly after I shut myself in,only coming back to grab a few things.

I nodded and she left.I barely touched the food and went back to bed.

For the next few days,all I did was cry,sleep,eat a little and go to the bathroom.I didn’t bother with washing up or taking care of myself.

I felt like there was no point in living anymore.Just as I was sinking deeper into sadness,someone knocked on the door again.

“I already ate,leave me alone!”I shouted.

I was so tired that I might’ve just starved myself if I could.

“Lacey,it’s me,Wanda.”

I hesitated for a moment before finally opening the door.

Wanda rushed in and enveloped me in a tight hug,her own tears soaking into my shoulder.

We’d been best friends since we were kids and even though she was a Beta and I was an Alpha,our friendship had always been strong.

We’d been there for each other through everything.

I cried too,but this time it was a mix of sadness and a bit of relief.It felt good to know that someone still truly cared about me.

“Lacey,I’m so sorry,I just heard about Drew,”Wanda said.

After we both calmed down,we started talking.

Wanda explained that she hadn’t been able to reach me on the phone for days.When she tried to visit,the Omegas told her I was too sick to see anyone.

Wanda sensed something was wrong and kept pushing for answers.

They were too scared to tell her anything—I'd made it clear not to mention Drew’s death to anyone,including Hugh.

Eventually,Wanda ran into Rafael.

He was the one who helped with the ceremony and had been staying here to keep an eye on me while Hugh was off doing his thing.

Wanda and Rafael had a past together,so Rafael finally filled her in on what happened,but made her promise not to tell anyone else.

Listening to my story again,Wanda’s eyes filled with tears.She cursed Hugh and Kathleen under her breath.

“Don’t worry,we’ll make them pay.I’m going to help you,I swear.”

She told me to hang in there and promised she’d come up with a plan for me.

We ended up talking for over an hour—time really flew by with her here,compared to when I was alone.

She even brought some of our favorite snacks:donuts and chocolates.

Seeing that I was starting to feel a bit better,Wanda insisted I take a shower.

“Lacey,you smell awful!I’m sure Drew wouldn’t want his mom to stink,”she teased.Her playful jabs made me laugh for the first time in days.I threw a pillow at her and headed to the bathroom.

A fresh shower was exactly what I needed.As the water washed over me,it felt like I was shedding my sadness and heartache.With each drop,I felt a new sense of determination.

Drew was gone,but I was going to make Hugh and Kathleen pay for what they’d done!

When I emerged,I felt like a new person.“Finally,you don’t look like a wreck!”Wanda said with a grin.Despite her bluntness,Wanda had always been kind and had a way of making me laugh.

After I changed into clean clothes,we went downstairs.

The maids had prepared a feast and they seemed relieved to see me eating again.

I dug into everything—chicken drumsticks,pastas and various meats.Wanda laughed and said,“Slow down,Lacey!You’ll choke yourself!”

About ten minutes later,our plates were cleared and our stomachs were full.

I walked Wanda to the gate,feeling a lot better.“Thanks for everything,Wanda.I’d still be in bed if it weren’t for you.”

“No need to thank me.I’d do the same for you,just like you did for me last year,”she replied,smiling.Wanda had lost a baby last year and I stayed with her to help her through that tough time.“I’ll come back tomorrow,”she promised.

As we hugged goodbye,a car suddenly pulled up in front of us.


“This unworthy father—”Wanda began,her tone shifting.

I squeezed Wanda’s hand and gave her a look that said we needed to stay calm.

She nodded,keeping her anger in check.

Hugh rolled down the car window and said,“What’s going on here?I hope you’re not up to anything sneaky.”

I tightened my grip on my fists and jaw.“None of your business.”

That’s when I noticed Kathleen sitting in the backseat.My patience was wearing thin.

“Hey,Lacey,”Kathleen said with a saccharine sweetness that made my skin crawl.“Frankie’s been crying all day.He’s sick and wants a robot toy.Hugh mentioned Drew had one,so I thought I could borrow it.”

“No way.You’re not touching Drew’s stuff!”

I snapped,not backing down.“Lacey,don’t be so dramatic.It’s just a toy.Drew would love to share,”Hugh said,rolling his eyes.

“Hugh,You don’t get to decide that!”I shot back.

Kathleen then tried to play the sympathy card.“Lacey,I get it,you’re not thrilled about Hugh and me,but Frankie is really sick.”

I had to hold myself back from losing it.

Hugh sighed and said,“Alright,I knew you’d be unreasonable.We’ll just get a new one,Kath,don’t worry.”

“But…it’s a limited edition and it’s pretty expensive,”Kathleen said,batting her eyes.

“I’ll handle it,”Hugh said,looking at her with that annoying reassured smile.

Seeing them so cozy together felt like a knife to the heart,so I snapped,“Hugh,who’s really your son here—Frankie or Drew?It’s getting confusing.”

“Lacey,stop making a scene.I’m not dealing with this right now,”Hugh said,rolling up the window.

The car pulled away and I yelled after it,“You’ll regret this,Hugh!I swear you will!”

Wanda stayed close,soothing me as I shouted until my voice was almost gone.

Eventually,some Omegas who’d heard the noise helped me back to my room.

The next morning,I felt a bit better.I had cried all I could and now it was time to take action.

I picked out my best dress,did my hair and put on makeup.

Today,I was determined to find the best lawyer to discuss divorce and figure out how to come out on top.

It was tough to think about splitting up,especially since werewolves are supposed to have only one true mate for life.What if the Moon Goddess cursed me?

But honestly,Hugh and I never had that deep mate bond—it was more about infatuation and duty from the start.

I first met Hugh when we were pups.

He was found alone in the forest near our pack house,looking lost and battered.His pack had been attacked and most of his family was killed.His parents told him to run while they stayed behind to fight.Exhausted,Hugh collapsed under a tree,and Kathleen and I found him.I ran back to the house,begged my dad,the old Alpha,to help him.

After some pack members checked on Hugh,they brought him to the infirmary.

At first,he was on high alert,refusing to let anyone near and even trying to lash out.

But when my dad stepped in,Hugh recognized him as the Alpha of the allied pack.

Hugh opened up about everything and my dad quickly got some of our members together to check out Hugh’s pack,hoping to rescue anyone who might have survived.

At the same time,he stationed another group at our base to keep us safe.A few days later,my dad returned with grim news.

There were no survivors and everything was reduced to ashes.It was a brutal ambush and my dad had to work with other Alphas to track down the culprits.

Physically,Hugh recovered quickly,but mentally,he was a mess.

The shock of losing his entire pack in a single night was overwhelming.

While my dad was busy coordinating with other Alphas,I spent a lot of time with Hugh,trying to help him recover.

My mom and I took turns caring for him.

I felt deeply for him and wanted to support him as much as I could.

But I later realized that my constant presence was actually overwhelming him.

Hugh had always been a lone wolf and despite my good intentions,my attempts to include him in our pack’s activities only made things worse.

Over time,Hugh really started to shine.

He got faster and smarter—where most werewolves took 10 seconds to sprint around the field,Hugh nailed it in 5.His stamina was incredible;he could keep going for days,like when he escaped that ambush.And he was sharp too,always coming up with solid strategies in our battle simulations.

After months of planning and negotiating,my dad finally got support from six nearby packs to go after the Boldtail Pack,which were responsible for the attack.

Hugh was determined to join in,even though my dad was worried about his age.But Hugh was adamant.One dark night,with only the moon lighting their way,they set off for battle.

I was scared to death and didn’t want to see anyone get hurt,but I knew Hugh had to fight for his pack.

I ran up to the highest hill,watching them leave and I prayed to the Moon Goddess.

“Moon Goddess,please protect my pack and everyone going into battle,especially my dad and Hugh.I’d give anything for their safety,”

I prayed,my eyes squeezed shut.

I kept praying until I felt like I’d done enough.

Then,the moon started to shine brighter,so brightly I had to close my eyes again.

Is that a sign from the Moon Goddess,or am I just seeing things?


It felt like my prayers were answered because,a week later,everyone came back,victorious and in high spirits.

There were some injured soldiers,but everyone was alive.

To celebrate,we threw a huge feast in the great hall.

There was so much delicious that it felt like the entire pack was enjoying the party for days.

Everyone who had fought in the battle was hailed as a hero,including Hugh.


My dad suddenly called out and the room fell silent.

“In honor of our victory,all the warriors will be rewarded…”

“Auugh!!”The crowd erupted with happy howls before he could finish.

“And…for his bravery and resilience,I’m naming Hugh David,our newest pack member,as the new Alpha.He’ll be working with me to lead the pack for a few years before I officially hand over the position to him,”he added.

The room went quiet,especially among the male Gamma.

Some looked displeased and others shot glares filled with hatred.

Becoming Alpha is a big deal and many werewolves vie for that top spot.

Normally,the Alpha was chosen from the family’s bloodline,but since my parents only had two daughters,there was always some tension about who would succeed.

There were other strong candidates,but nobody expected a new member to come in and steal the spotlight.

Hugh remained expressionless.It was hard to tell if he was thrilled,nervous,or just indifferent.The looks and cheers from the pack didn’t seem to affect him much.

After that,my dad told everyone to keep the party going and the awkwardness faded as the crowd’s cheers and joy returned.

From that point on,Hugh slowly took over as the new Alpha.

It wasn’t smooth sailing—he had to deal with a few challenges from other werewolves who wanted his spot.But he managed to fend them off and cement his position.

My parents treated him like family.

Before my mom passed away,she asked Hugh to marry me,her eldest daughter.He agreed and I was over the moon,thinking he might like me too.I’d had a crush on him from the first day he showed up,which was why I always tried to be close to him.

Sadly,he didn’t feel the same way.

A few months after we got married,he told me he actually had feelings for my younger sister,Kathleen.But she was about to pair up with another Alpha and move to his pack.

So that was how I ended up in this loveless marriage.I felt terrible for my son,Drew.

He didn’t ask for any of this and I felt like I’d dragged him into a bad situation.

I shook off those old feelings as I walked into the consultant’s office.What’s past is past—I needed to focus on what’s next and plan for the future.

Talking to the consultant about everything—Drew’s death,Hugh’s affair with Kathleen and the neglect—made me feel a bit lighter,like a huge weight had been lifted.

He gave me some advice and reassurance,saying that if I took this to court,I would probably win.

In our court system,divorce wasn’t common because marriage was considered sacred.But if one partner betrayal and neglected their wifea and kids,it was almost guaranteed that the jury would grant the divorce and punish the guilty party.

I handed over a hefty fee for the consultant’s time.

It was a lot for just an hour,but he was top-notch and I knew the payoff from winning the case would be worth it.

I glanced at my phone—it was still noon and I had the whole day ahead.

To pass the time,I opened message.

Kathleen’s story popped up right away;she’d posted just 15 minutes ago.

I sighed and clicked on it,seeing a gorgeous view from a hill.

She’d captioned it,[So beautiful!Thanks for taking us for a picnic here,H.]

I felt a surge of anger.

Hugh had broken his promise to Drew and was now taking Kathleen and her kid to the same spot.My wolf can't wait to howl in sorrow,but I forced myself to stay calm.

“Let me take revenge for Drew!”my wolf raged.

“No,we need to be smart.Calm down and let me handle it,”I said,taking a deep breath.

I wondered how Hugh would react if he knew Drew was gone for good.

I wanted to hit him where it hurt the most,so I needed to plan this out carefully.

I reached out to some Omegas and Betas to set up a big party.

We would invite everyone in the pack and even the neighboring packs.

Then I called Hugh and he picked up right away.“I’m throwing a party for Drew and inviting a lot of people.I hope you can make it,”I said.

“Yeah,sure.Just let me know the date,”he replied.

“Don’t bail on me this time.I’m inviting other Alphas too,so your reputation’s on the line.”

Once I had his commitment,I moved on to the next task.

“Rafael,can you collect some of Drew’s burial soil and put it in a jar?And make sure no one finds out where he’s buried,”I said in another call.

“Got it,Luna,”Rafael responded without asking questions,then hung up.


It took me five days to get everything in place,but Wanda helped,so I wasn’t doing it all alone.

My goal was to uncover Hugh and Kathleen's secrets and make everyone aware of what they’d done to my son.

I told everyone the party was to celebrate Drew’s birthday and his accomplishments,so most were excited to come.

It was also a great chance for networking.

Alphas could meet,make friends and talk about alliances.I figured we'd have hundreds of attendees and I was pretty happy with that.

Respect and pride are everything for werewolves,especially Alphas.

If Hugh lost respect from his pack and other Alphas,he'd face serious consequences and might lose his position.No one would be able to protect Kathleen then.

I had to make sure everything was perfect so everyone would be on my side and I’d stay the Luna,the pack’s mother.

I was a bit worn out from my Luna duties and party prep,but I kept reminding myself it would all be worth it.

Two days before the party,I was busy with decorations when a loud commotion broke out.

I headed over and found a crowd gathered at the gate.Pushing through,I saw Kathleen yelling at an Omega maid who was on the ground,holding her cheek like she’d been slapped.

I quickly stepped in and asked,“What’s going on here?”

“Good,you’re here!This Omega wouldn’t let me in,talking all kinds of nonsense.Who does she think she is?This is practically my house too!”Kathleen yelled,pointing at the scared maid.

“Back off,Kathleen.She’s just doing her job.I told her not to let anyone in except the workers.This area needs to be prepped for Drew’s party,”I said,and helping the Omega up.

“What?That’s ridiculous.Lacey,don’t forget,you may be the Luna,but your Alpha loves me more and things can change anytime.I can come here whenever I want and I don’t care about your weak,sickly son.He might as well die!”she snapped back.

"Watch your mouth,Kath!Get out of here,you’re not welcome!"

"Or what?What can a weak Luna with a weak son like you do?The apple doesn’t fall far from the tree,it seems."

I clenched my jaw."You want to know what I can do?This!"

I slapped her hard,putting all my strength into it.

She crossed the line by mocking Drew.

Kathleen was stunned and so was everyone else.I've never behaved like this before,but I didn’t care.

" just slapped me?I’ll tell Hugh about this,just wait!"she said,fumbling for her phone.

Ignoring her,I told the crowd to leave and walked away,leaving Kathleen.

I went back to coordinating with the others and 30 minutes later,Hugh stormed in with Kathleen and Frankie.

He marched straight to me and all the Omegas stepped aside,scared of getting yelled at.

"Lacey,are you crazy?"he yelled,stopping in front of me.

I looked at him calmly."You look like the crazy one here,Hugh."

His eyes were wide.He looked furious.

"How dare you lay a hand on her?"he shouted,pointing at me.

"Oh,her?She caused trouble,slapped an Omega and mocked Drew.Ask anyone,there were plenty of witnesses,"I said,finally turning to face him.

"So what if she hit an Omega?You can’t slap her,she’s—"

"She’s what?"I interrupted."Remember,I’m the Luna here.Like it or not,I have a say in this house.She’s just a Luna from another pack."

"I’m the Alpha and I want you to apologize to her now!"he demanded.

“No,Hugh.She’s right.I’m nobody here,I should’ve known my position,”Kathleen said,playing the pity card.

“Kathleen said Drew might as well be dead!She’s the one who should be apologizing,”I shot back.

“No,I…I didn’t say that.I never said that.Trust me,Hugh,I swear I’d never say something like that,”she quickly denied.

My eyes stung as I held back tears.

No words could describe how much I hated this woman I used to call sister.

“You did!It’s up to you now,Hugh.Who do you trust?Me and our son,or Kathleen?”I yelled.

He hesitated,then turned around and left.

Kathleen quickly followed and the tension in the room dissipated.

Everyone was whispering,but I told them to focus on the preparations.

Not long after,Wanda rushed over with a concerned look.She had heard about Hugh’s visit and wanted to make sure I was okay.I smiled,grateful to have such a loyal friend.

I assured her that everything was under control.

The hectic days flew by and soon it was the day of the party.

The event was set for the evening,with a feast in the great hall and the backyard,under the moonlight.

The moon is vital for us,as it’s our source of life and we hold significant events at night,especially during a full moon like tonight.I wanted all the guests and the Moon Goddess,to witness today’s reveal.

The house was bustling since morning and so was I.I had to make sure we had enough food,drinks and seating for everyone.

This party had to be perfect.

In the afternoon,I finally saw Hugh arriving.But he wasn’t alone.


As expected,Kathleen showed up,smiling with her bold makeup.

She was clinging to Hugh’s arm while he held Frankie’s hand.

If I didn’t know better,I’d think they were a happy little family coming to a party together.It was clear to everyone in our pack that Hugh was seen more with Kathleen than with me lately,but no one dared to offend the Alpha,so they kept quiet.

I rolled my eyes at them and smirked.

The show was about to begin.

At 7 pm,the guests started arriving,greeting me as they came in.

Hugh took his seat at the center of the long table with Kathleen and her son on his right.

I sat on his left and the seat where Drew was supposed to sit was empty.

Hugh asked where Drew was and I said,“He’ll come at the end of the party.”

Hugh didn’t push further,probably knowing Drew’s condition had worsened the last time he saw him.

So many people came and greeted us.

I had told them on the invitation not to bring any gifts;their presence was enough.

Drew wasn’t here anyway,so gifts would have been pointless.

“Alpha Hugh,I’m so proud of your bright son,”an Alpha from a nearby pack said,patting his shoulder.

“Yeah,I heard he’s a great strategist and diplomat like you,”another Alpha added.“I’ve heard about him at school.My son says he’s unbeatable.Can’t wait to see him grow up.”

“Apple doesn’t fall far from the tree,I guess.With such a great Alpha and wise Luna,no wonder he turned out like that.”

“Where is he?I want to see the awesome birthday pup.”

The flood of praise mostly went to Hugh and he was grinning from ear to ear.Kathleen,on the other hand,looked sour and uncomfortable.

“Thank you for all the kind words.

Drew’s not well now,but I’ll bring him over later,”I said politely.

The place was packed with guests and the atmosphere was lively,full of laughter and smiles.Only a few of us knew the truth—that this party was for someone who was already dead.

I mingled and chatted,but in the middle of the party,I couldn’t help but feel melancholy.

Drew wasn’t here to be celebrated by all these people.He couldn’t experience the party,laugh,or smile with us anymore.

The grief was still there,not moving an inch even after hatred had consumed my heart.

“Drew,don’t worry,Mom will give them what they deserve so you can rest in peace,”I muttered,wiping away my tears.

I fixed my makeup in front of the mirror and just then,Kathleen walked in.

She stared at me and chuckled.“Great party,Lacey.Must have been tiring to prepare all this alone,”she said,emphasizing the last word.

“Laugh while you can,Kath,”I replied with a smirk.

“Oh?Really?This grand party won’t win Hugh over,believe me.He never loved you or your sick son.”

She walked into a toilet stall,but I wasn’t provoked.

I knew the best part was yet to come.

After returning to the party,I continued to mingle with the guests.Some Lunas praised how good the party was and asked for tips.

At 8 pm,with the moon at its brightest,I called everyone to gather in the backyard.

“Thanks so much for coming to this special party,”I started my speech.I spotted Hugh and Kathleen in the crowd and continued,“As the Luna of the Scarlet Claws Pack,I’m really honored that you’re here to celebrate my son Drew’s birthday.He was such a loving child.”

I paused,letting a smile creep across my face as I thought about Drew.“But unfortunately,he’s no longer with us.”

The crowd went silent,everyone looking confused and exchanging glances.

“Stop talking nonsense,Lacey!Where’s Drew?Why are you being so weird?”Hugh shouted,clearly angry.

“Yeah,why are you saying he’s not here,Luna?”someone else chimed in,puzzled.

Then,I sent a mind link to everyone there,showing a video of my last moments with Drew.

It showed him crying for Hugh,his breath getting weaker and finally,his heart stopping.

It also showed his body in the casket and his burial.

We had the power to send mind links,but saving a memory like this and sharing it with so many people took a huge amount of energy.Right after that,I collapsed on the ground and saw someone running toward me,but my vision was blurry.

It was Justin Bennett,my childhood best friend.

We had been inseparable as pups.

He was a warrior and one of the Alpha candidates but had been healing from severe battle wounds for years.

He had always been there for me and taught me so much,so seeing him now after all this time was a relief.

Justin helped me sit up on the ground.

Meanwhile,everyone who had seen my video turned their attention to me and Hugh.

“What are you trying to pull now,Lacey?”Hugh demanded,his face flushed with anger.

“She’s not lying.She’s telling the truth!”

Wanda said,stepping out from the crowd.

Hugh laughed.“So this was your scheme from the start.Lacey,I can’t believe you’d go so far—faking memories and trying to make me look like the bad guy!”

I was feeling dizzy and my vision was still off.

I rubbed my temples and said,“You can ask Rafael if you don’t believe me.”

At that moment,Rafael appeared with a jar.

Hugh looked at him,clearly waiting for confirmation.

Rafael said,holding up the jar.“Alpha.Drew passed away over a week ago.I tried calling you that night,but you didn’t pick up!”

“This is soil mixed with Drew's ashes!”

I finally found a good place to read novels!